Maritime and naval security challenges

Protecting harbours and container ports

Method and products

Assessment and solutions to Port Facility Security Code (ISPS)
SCS engineers have experience of delivering video surveillance and access control systems to contractors working for both naval and commercial maritime clients.

Our designs at maritime hubs commonly include a full Physical Security Information Management System (PSIM). This sits atop subsystems and manages every aspect of security while providing cause and effect integration between each component discipline. Good practice includes assimilation with fire alarms and building management systems (BMS).

Marine locations usually feature extensive perimeters and our video surveillance for harbour end-users often features thermal imaging cameras in conjunction with conventional CCTV. The two camera types work together automatically with the white light camera tracking objects that have been detected by thermal sensing. A small number of pixels on target is sufficient for this combination to track a vessel or suspected intruder.

Fence lines at ports and harbours can be protected with microphonic PIDS which we use in conjunction with other intelligent virtual video fencing and wide-area situational awareness. At any major location, our designs will meet and exceed the requirements of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) which is the maritime sector’s response to 9-11.

We are adept at providing technological help to enforcement officers whose responsibilities include detecting seaborne contraband and illicit movement of people across international borders.

Environmentally responsible
SCS will work with port clients at the design stage as soon as the main contractor has won a tender. We advise on and commission appropriate protection both in terms of incident identification and deterrence through visible camera presence, traditional fencing and mitigation of vehicle-borne threats.

Our engineers’ CVs include projects where maritime technology has helped enforcement officers whose responsibilities include detecting contraband and illicit movement of people across international borders. Designs are always in sympathy with coastal environments and we minimize impact on marine wildlife.



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